Tuesday, July 29, 2008


The kids loved the Foam visors we Amy Brought. We wrote there name on them so it was something special to identify them with. Unfortunately the only color I knew was Verde (Green).

If anyone remembers Mr. Bill's little boy this is a picture of him with Ken !

Dr. Miller Graciously donated enough toothbrushes and toothpaste to go around. Unfortunately, They had no idea what they were. Try explaining that to a child.
This child would cry everytime Stephen put him down or if he held anyone else.

This 2 year old was dropped off by his father the night before after his mom had left for France. It was all heartbreaking! They are all starved for attention and love!


BeBe said...

How wonderful to see the children again. What a great idea to take visors. Danae, can't believe the story about your camera. My heart goes out to those children. May God bless them and the team's work.

kat said...

ken "mountain of joy" has a heart of gold. you all have. you can just see the love in everyone's eye's.