Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Evening

***We wanted to apologize for not much posting so far. We have been having computer problems, but we are slowly working through them. Thanks for being patient. Pictures will be coming soon.

Today Team Romania had an awesome day ministering to a state run orphanage and a local village. At 8:15, we left Elpis and began a whirlwind of a day. Half of our group headed to Illisua
which has orphans who did not return home for the summer, so they were very happy to have comapny and one-on-one attention from our team. Our group played with the kids, passed out gifts, and gave lots of hugs!!!!!!! After their time in the orphanage, they spent the rest of the day witnessing and inviting village people to our evening program on Tuesday. Skits, a short movie, testimonies, and snacks will be provided tomorrow to the families. Please pray they will be receptive!!!

Our other team members spent the day in a village called Mintiu. God was so GREAT and opened up the chance for us to minister to the children in a local school. This was a rare opportunity because the local government usually won't let us use the schools. God has opened up new doors such as use of the school because of the relationships our group and others have built with local community leaders on previous visits. Years ago, it was difficult to do much in this village, but now we are welcomed with open arms!!! God is GOOD!!!! Today was the first day of a three day focus on this village. We had 87 kids who eargerly arrived. We spent the day working in conjunction with local missionary efforts. We presented bible lessons, music, scripture memorization, and games. The lunch we provided was quickly engulfed, and they headed to play soccer and to do a foam hat craft. The day wrapped up with more songs testimonies. They were so excited and can't wait to come back tomorrow!!!!

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