Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thanks for the Super Six plus

I can't say thanks enough for the romanian translators we had during our trip. They were the same ones we had last year and I can't say enough great things about them. They truly are a blessing to us and our team. They have become like our children, brothers, sisters or friends to us all. These young people between the ages of 16-21 spent every waking minute with us. They would often arrive by 7 and stay until midnight.
Without them our mission would not have been possible. They were our voices, voices for Christ. They are so dynamic and have a passion for serving God.
Many of them have parents that are gone from the home, working on other countries to provide a living for their families. Some of them are in high school and several are starting college this month as well as working to put their way thru school.
They are just as busy as teenagers anywhere in the world but they take several weeks a summer to translate for mission groups.
Several of them also spend every friday at the orphanage teaching from the Bible.
We have been so blessed to have worked with them.

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